Trax by Luv 'n Law

Queen of our household - four boys and a baby!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How many licks...

It wasn't a Tootsie-Pop, but was Kendell's first sucker nonetheless! The pictures say it all...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


After a three month blogging break, an update is definitely in order. What better way to get back to blogging than with some pictures of our little diva Trick-or-Treating for the first time?

What have we been up to.....????


Kendell turned 1 on August 5th! We had a great time getting ready for it. I learned how to decorate a cake with icing, and make (and decorate with) fondant. My skills in that department are still a work in progress, so I use the term "learned" loosely. I love, love, love doing it though, so I'll have to keep practicing! J loves it when I practice, so he's very supportive of my cake decorating ambition. He kept himself very busy as a taste tester.

For her first birthday, Kendell's grandparents came, which was very exciting! It was the first time they have come to visit since we moved to GA last year. She went from a newborn, to a walking (with help from her "princess mobile"), and baby-talking little girl between visits. Thank goodness for Skype, it really helps us all stay in touch!

Then, on September 7th, we celebrated J's 30th birthday! It feels like we just graduated from high school. This makes me think of the line from Strawberry Wine , "I still remember when 30 was old."!!

October 8th marked the one year anniversary since Dad passed away. This year has been so busy that it absolutely does not seem like he's been gone that long. We got a Vonage number a few years ago when Dad went into the nursing home, as it enabled us to have an Ankeny number (local to him), so that he could call. It took me until this spring to actually cancel it, even though we didn't even use the service after moving in November. Canceling that number meant cutting off the link of communication that we previously had, and really forcing myself to accept he was gone. I suppose it's a step towards healing.
Here are a couple pictures of some fun times!

Dad's last time traveling to FL in Aug. 2005. We were eating at Destin's Hard Rock.
This is my absolutely favorite picture taken the last time we were all together at Christmas (December 2006). I wish my Grandma Miller would have been there, too! I love that it has the whole family...dogs included, and that my Grandma Lichtenstein is there.


My sole employer is still Kendell. She's a great boss! She is pretty fair on hours, and agreeable most of the time. Plus, this CEO is A-DOR-A-BLE! :)

J is liking his job and is getting acclimated to being a Army RN. From airborne infantryman to nurse...who would have guessed? The good thing is that he loves it, and just got a fantastic review! Way to go, J!


We took Kendell out for her first Trick-or-Treat experience. Well, first "official" Trick-or-Treat, anyway (last year she dressed up and went to the neighbors'). After a few houses, she was really getting the hang of things. Kendell started taking a piece of candy from the bowl, putting it in her bag, and reaching in for another piece! Yes, you read that correctly, my one year old is just as greedy with the candy as the older kids! With a quick reminder that it was time to say thank you and wave "bye-bye," she was okay with not grabbing another treat.

We had so much fun taking her around! We couldn't be more proud of our "Oatmeal Bear!"
Last year...

This year....

If you've read all of this...whew!! Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!