Trax by Luv 'n Law

Queen of our household - four boys and a baby!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today's Theme: Discovering the Environment

Lesson #1: Liquid does not wait for a diaper. It will appear...even if it's on the carpet.

Lesson #2: It doesn't matter how many times a toddler very nicely walks out on to the patio to look around. When you're not looking, they will no long just stand on the patio.

Lesson #3: When said toddler explores past the patio, dog poo is probably the most interesting thing to look at.

Lesson #4: Said toddler will no doubt want to share their find with the household, and will devise a plan to do so.

Lesson #5: The plan might include grabbing a couple logs for the patio for easy hauling into the house. This is being efficient.

Lesson #6: The mom of said toddler is to chalk it up to environment exploration when she comes out of the bedroom with an outfit to clothe the freshly washed child in, just to see the toddler wiping her hands together after dropping a crumbled log on the living room floor.

Lesson #7: When trying to hurry because your toddler is "suppose" to be on the patio and you don't pay attention to what you're putting on, you might do what I did.....

Discovered that the crotch of my yoga pants had a hole in them after you've already sported them outside! A medium sized hole!! Thankfully, I discovered this prior to going outside the yard!

Here's to not having the crotch of YOUR pants rip out while you're in public!!

Kelli :)


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